Dec. 27, 2010, San Francisco Chronicle, Phillip Matier and Andrew Ross
Blum said most of the newly approved 8 percent tuition hike will be used to cover the system's massive pension bill - about $175 million for this year alone.
...As for what options UC has if Sacramento pulls the financial rug? "Try to run the place more efficiently," Blum said.
Full article at: http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/c/a/2010/12/26/BAAG1GV6KE.DTL#ixzz19K7lqdVt
And it appears that whatever happens, internal cuts or tuition increases, the consequences will be photographed at Berkeley:
UC class melds photography, protest (excerpt)
Debra Levi Holtz, San Francisco Chronicle, Dec. 27, 2010
Think of it as a crash course in the culture of protest at UC Berkeley, or as an antidote to teenage apathy. A new freshman seminar that combines photojournalism with political awareness was inspired by recent conflicts on campus over rising tuition and funding cuts. It is designed to teach students about the role of photography in political activism...
The class evolved from a straightforward photography class Professor Brian Barsky taught for seven years in the freshman seminar program. Last year, he noticed his class discussions were increasingly focused on the conflict around UC funding issues. So Barsky decided this year to formally turn his students' cameras and attention to the social upheaval taking place around them...
Full article at http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/c/a/2010/12/27/BA9N1GGG8G.DTL
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