
Thursday, September 15, 2022

Just in time to annoy the Regents

With the Regents set to debate the UCLA/Big Ten move later this month, and likely to be frustrated about their inability to do something about it, a tweet appeared to remind them of the (very) Big Business of college football.

From the Los Angeles Times: A UCLA football program that was long a national force in high school recruiting, often edging rival USC for the best young players in Southern California, momentarily ceded those designations earlier this week. Just check the title it gave itself. Transfer U. The nickname surfaced Monday on the official UCLA football Twitter account. A graphic illustration showed a group of Bruins transfers in uniform below a list indicating that the school led the nation with 20 transfer starters since 2020. Atop the post, on a faux city limits sign, was the slogan: “Welcome to Transfer U.”

The message sparked an immediate uproar on social media and message boards. Wasn’t this the stuff of teams that can’t get enough high school recruits? How should high school recruits feel about coming to a team trumpeting its transfers? Could this plug-and-play approach really be sustainable? UCLA coach Chip Kelly gave his input Wednesday, and it wasn’t to thank his social media team. “That shouldn’t have gone up,” Kelly said. “That was a mistake the head coach saw and when I saw it, I said, ‘That’s a mistake.’ ” ...

Full story at

Although the tweet from UCLA appears to have been deleted, its memory lingers on the internet. Indeed, it has sparked imitation from the University of Mississippi that apparently doesn't have to worry about regental attitudes:



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