
Monday, September 19, 2022

And maybe no one cares - Part 2

Follow-up to Saturday's blog post: Photos of an empty Rose Bowl on Saturday continue to pop up on the web.* Will the UC Regents care when they discuss the UCLA/Big Ten affair later this week? 

Such pictures suggest that what matters is TV broadcast rights rather than student or in-person fan involvement when it comes to decisions such as the UCLA move to the Big Ten. But that observation is hardly a novel concept.

So perhaps the Regents - in the end - will decide that they have bigger fish to fry such as, you know, admissions, budgets, capital projects. Stuff like that. And maybe the governor - who got the Regents to debate this issue - will just move on, too.


* The picture on this post - like the one on the Saturday posting - is from a tweet that was reposted on several accounts:


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