
Saturday, August 17, 2024

Will UC Calculate Costs?

A new law "asks" UC to disclose course costs. Excerpt from EdSource:

Colleges must disclose costs

The typical California college student is expected to spend $1,062 on books and supplies in the 2024-25 academic year, according to the California Student Aid Commission.

The exact costs can be hard for students to predict, leaving them uncertain about how much money to budget for a given class. Assembly Bill 607, which Newsom signed last year, requires California State University campuses and community colleges to disclose upfront the estimated costs of course materials and fees for some of their courses this school year. The bill asks University of California campuses to do the same, but does not make it a requirement.

The schools must provide information for at least 40% of courses by Jan. 1 of next year, increasing that percentage each year until there are cost disclosures for 75% of courses by 2028. This year, campuses should also highlight courses that use free digital course materials and low-cost print materials, according to the legislation...

Full story at

Note that January 1, 2025 is the beginning of the winter quarter. Do most faculty know what the costs are of textbooks and other materials? Is the university going to make the calculation for them? For 40% of all courses offered?

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