
Saturday, August 10, 2024

VA Leases

Some readers will recall the controversy over leases of portions of the VA's Westwood property to UCLA for athletics and to others. The LA Times carried a lengthy article about new litigation concerning lack of housing for homeless vets. Buried in the article were references to those leases which suggest they might be voided or renegotiated:

...In a brief filed last month, attorneys for the veterans asked [the court] to issue an order requiring the VA to provide nearly 4,000 units of permanent supportive housing on the campus... The brief is less specific about the leases to UCLA and the neighboring Brentwood School for athletic facilities and the oil and parking operations. It asks [the court] to find the leases invalid but does not say whether they should be nullified or renegotiated to better serve veterans...

Neither UCLA nor the Brentwood School [which also has a lease] has had lawyers present or sought to intervene. Spokespeople for UCLA and the Brentwood School declined to comment.

Full story at

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