
Sunday, August 4, 2024

The FAFSA Drama Continues - Part 15

From Higher Ed Dive: The Education Department released an updated version of the FAFSA in late December, almost three months later than usual. Following publication, the form’s rollout has faced heavy criticism over ongoing delays and limited functionality. Despite the rapidly approaching start to the fall semester, Tuesday’s announcement shows some FAFSA processing issues will continue to go unresolved.

Batch corrections are usually available when the FAFSA form is released and allow financial aid employees to avoid manually submitting individual corrections. Beth Maglione, interim president and CEO of the National Association of Student Financial Aid Administrators, called the news “beyond frustrating.”

“The Department’s poor planning has led to a stunning failure: Some college students might not have financial aid dollars in their hands in time to start classes in the next few weeks,” Maglione said in a Tuesday statement.

The Education Department acknowledged Tuesday that the news will create challenges for colleges and higher education organizations... 

Full story at

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