
Monday, August 26, 2024


Inside Higher Ed recently ran a lengthy item on university presidents wanting to promote "civic dialog" and colleges even offering courses in it, given the potential for campus unrest to resume in fall, due to a combination of the Israel-Gaza conflict and the upcoming presidential election.* In some cases, apparently, outside consultants are being hired.

We noted back in December that the UCLA medical school provided an online dialog on Israel-Gaza.** But the school put the recording in a difficult-to-access location that was available only to the med school. Yours truly, however, captured the audio and preserved it.*** Since it is just talking heads as the image shows, not much is lost without the video. This was done before UC President Drake provided a subsidy for such purposes, money which seems to have fallen into a dark hole. Nothing tangible has been produced, as far as yours truly can tell.

Perhaps President Drake might want to inquire about what happened to his money. Even better, perhaps something productive, visible, and accessible might be done with it.

Just a thought...




***You can see it at

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