
Saturday, June 1, 2024

Watch the Regents Meeting of May 16, 2024

We are late catching up with the final day of the May Regents meetings (May 16). But, in defense of yours truly, it can be said that what might have been an eventful meeting turned out to be predictable and largely a rubber stamping of earlier decisions.

In the morning open session of the full board, apart from one inaudible phone call, there were a series of anti-Israel comments and comments opposing J1 on department political statements. There was also one pro-J1 statement. Regents Pérez and Hernandez said they would meet with protesters. There were a lot of folks who signed up for phone comments who didn't answer when their names were called. The two student leaders who spoke largely mirrored the public comments although the undergrad said he might be open to some version of J1.

However, J1 - as blog readers will already know - was put off until July, just as it was postponed from previous meetings. Whether it will be further postponed in July is unknown at this point. It might be noted that Harvard has adopted a more far-reaching version of J1, an event which might influence the future decision at UC.* 

The other contentious issue was the $10 million tax on UCLA athletics to subsidize Berkeley. That tax had already been approved (recommended) in committee. There could have been debate about it when the board met in the afternoon. But it was approved (with a dissenting vote from Pérez) along with all the other committee recommendations. It was announced that Regent Reilly would be the incoming chair, taking over from Regent Leib. Finally, there were other ceremonial resolutions.

As always, we preserve Regents recordings since the Regents have no set policy with regard to retention. The May 16th meeting is at:



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