
Sunday, June 2, 2024

The times they are a'changing - Part 5

From the LA Times: The historic House v. NCAA settlement that established $2.8 billion in back pay for lost name, image and likeness deals and established a framework for revenue sharing between athletic departments and college athletes also prompted more questions than answers. How much money would be distributed as part of those revenue sharing arrangements? When would the payments start? Which athletes would benefit the most?

[Last] Tuesday evening, UCLA became one of the first schools to provide some specifics. The school’s athletic department revealed it expected to participate in revenue sharing with its athletes beginning in August 2025. Furthermore, UCLA said the revenue cap of 22% could amount to distributions totaling $20 million to $22 million per year among its more than 600 athletes.

“It’s a new era in collegiate athletics,” a UCLA athletic department spokesperson said in a statement. “We embrace this transformation for what it means for our student-athletes: the opportunity to receive direct NIL payments and revenue sharing. Our goals are to support and develop our student-athletes, compete at the highest level and maintain fiscal sustainability.” ...

Full story at

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