
Friday, November 30, 2018

And more on saving...

Cautionary notice being circulated by UC benefit authorities:

We want to make you aware of unauthorized solicitations being sent to UC employees at several campuses [including ours].  These emails are intentionally misleading and suggest that UC is endorsing their services – we are NOT. 

UC contracts exclusively with Fidelity Investments for all financial education and guidance services.  This dedicated team is well-versed in UC retirement benefits and can meet with faculty and staff onsite.  Anyone interested in having a one-on-one consultation with an approved UC-dedicated retirement planner can make an appointment at      

Thank you for helping to protect the financial security of our people.  Here is the suspicious solicitation:

Employee [redacted],
Each year, as an employee of University of California, you are eligible to sit down one-on-one with a representative for answers to your specific state, federal and individual retirement benefit questions.
Receive complimentary information that tells you:
1. What your expected income will be from CalSTRS/CalPERS when you retire.         
2. How much longer you will have to work.
3. How you can save more money for retirement, without affecting your take home pay.
4. Learn which 401(a) options have Guaranteed income when you retire.
Daytime appointments fill up quickly. To secure your spot, click the link below, or simply reply "yes" to this email. [redacted]
 All licensed representatives are not employees of the college or CalSTRS/CalPERS.
 To be taken off future mailings, please respond to this email by clicking the following link: [redacted]
We might add that the email is immediately suspicious since it refers to CalSTRS/CalPERS rather than UCRS. And it goes without saying that you should never click on links in suspicious emails, even to links that promise to remove you from future mailings.

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