
Saturday, November 3, 2018

Regents Will Meet Nov. 13-15

November will be the last Regents meeting for Jerry Brown, if he attends.
The Regents will be meeting November 13-15 and the agenda is now posted.* It looks like a relatively tame meeting, i.e., no grand controversies on the agenda.

To the extent that there is an agenda item that could be especially important, it is to be taken up in a closed session of the Compliance and Audit Committee.** There is litigation which appears to go back to 2010 as to whether Lawrence Livermore employees have some entitlement to UC retiree health benefits. A byproduct of that litigation could be a court decision that retiree health care is an entitlement for all UC employees. The position of UC has been that retiree health care is a nice thing the Regents do, but not something they have to do. That is, unlike the pension plan, retiree health care is not a vested benefit. There will also be discussion - in open session of the Finance and Capital Strategies Committee - of the annual valuation of UC retiree health benefits (F14).*** That committee will also get a report on the status of UCPath (F12).
** Requa is the Lawrence Livermore case.

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