
Monday, March 24, 2025

Will we be side swiped by a San Francisco scandal?

From the San Francisco Chronicle: San Francisco no longer wants to do business with a nonprofit that received lucrative city contracts from a disgraced former department head who previously worked for the organization and lived with its executive director.

City Attorney David Chiu said in a statement that his office has temporarily suspended the nonprofit, Collective Impact, from receiving city funding and will seek to prohibit the organization from getting city contracts for as long as five years. The decision is the result of a long-running city investigation into the nonprofit and its ties to former Human Rights Commission Director Sheryl Davis.

“Collective Impact has paid thousands of dollars to support Davis’ personal ventures, her travel, and her son’s graduate school education,” the city attorney’s office wrote in a legal filing against the nonprofit... The city attorney’s office said that Collective Impact submitted improper claims for reimbursement from the city, including more than $19,000 to pay Davis’ son’s tuition to attend graduate school at the University of California, Los Angeles... Asked about the $19,000 tuition payment for Davis’ son, [a spokesperson] said Davis’ son, Henry Davis, was part of Collective Impact for the last 13 years, and that he applied to the nonprofit’s college financial assistance program “like everyone else” and he did not receive special treatment. The city’s proceedings say the program limits tuition support to $5,000 per year...

Full story at

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