Regent Hadi Makarechian spoke remotely about an injury he suffered in a fall a year before which had left him paralyzed from the neck down initially. Thanks to treatment he received, he now has limited walking ability and is donating $1 million toward a program for spinal injuries.
Other topics taken up were a program to encourage small business suppliers to UC, the coronavirus situation, and student aid and debt.
Yesterday, we posted about the Wednesday session of the Health Services Committee at which Regent Pérez voted against a new hire for CFO at UC-Davis Health which exceeded the 75th percentile salary comparison.* Regent Park abstained. However, the recommendation to make the hire passed in the committee and was sent to the full board for a final decision. You can watch the discussion of the board at the link below from 1:39:00 to 2:05:00. In the end, although Regent Park changed her abstention to a "yes" vote, the new hire was REJECTED with a vote of 9 no, 7 yes, and 2 abstentions. Suffice it to say, a rejection of a new hire is very rare at the Regents. Exactly what will happen now is unclear. Even if the new hire were to accept a lower salary offer at or below the 75th percentile, the Health Services Committee won't meet again until May (at which time it could approve it). But the vacancy opens up on April 1 with the retirement of the incumbent CFO.
As always, we preserve the Regents' recordings since the Regents - for unknown reasons - delete them after one year. The link is:
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