
Sunday, March 20, 2022

Watch the Regents Afternoon Meeting of March 16, 2022

There is seldom open disagreement about proposals coming from UCOP but at the Health Services Committee, there was. An appointment was proposed - first in closed session, then in open session - of a new Chief Financial Officer for the UC-Davis health system. The current CFO is retiring on April 1. 

The proposed candidate to take over on April 1 was Cheryl Sadro who is currently Executive Vice President and Chief Business and Finance Officer, University of Tennessee Medical Branch at a proposed salary of $802,000. According to data available to the Regents, that salary would put her 2.3% above the 75 percentile for salaries in comparable positions. Assuming she also earned an incentive bonus, total salary would be $922,300.* (There would be university benefits beyond salary.) 

The chair of Health Services, John Pérez said he could not approve the pay package and voted "no." Regent Lark Park abstained. However, the committee approved the appointment and sent it on the the full board on the following day. We will pick up this tale tomorrow when we review the March 17 meeting of the full board.

Three other committees met in the afternoon. At Finance and Capital Strategies, Regent Hadi Makarechian pushed for more density at a UC-Irvine project, given the high cost of land in the area. A UCLA computer project dealing with "Financial Systems Integration" was reported to be delayed. The Governance Committee approved some executive pay proposals without controversy.

Academic and Student Affairs had a session on learning and cheating (academic integrity). The learning component involved techniques of more customized learning, i.e., different paces for different students. The discussion of cheating/academic integrity possibly was triggered by problems that arose in exams during online classes during the pandemic. However, the committee went into closed session to discuss "legal issues" related to academic integrity which was somewhat surprising. Whether there are lawsuits that arose from the pandemic period or some other legal matters is unknown. 

As always, we have preserved the recordings of the sessions since the Regents delete them after one years. Links are below:

Afternoon session:

Academic and Student Affairs:


Health Services and Finance and Capital Strategies:


The proposal is at

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