
Friday, April 3, 2020

Return of the Straight Lecture? - Part 2

The way it was (and maybe needs to be).
In an earlier post, at a time when instructors were just converting to the online format, we posted about TV instruction that goes back to the 1950s (and radio instruction that goes back to the 1920s).* Straight lecture. One-way communication. No bells and whistles.

There is now a continuing flow of Zoombombing stories. Today's Inside Higher Ed has yet another article on the problem.** Even with passwords and other protections, if students share the sign-on information, the problem will continue. Those with experience in online education have recommended that given the sudden nature of the conversion, just getting basic information out there may be the immediate solution. Q&A can be done later by email. Obviously, there are some courses that require online interaction, such as language instruction. But the old method - straight lecture - is simple and direct. Moreover, it doesn't have to be viewed "live." Students can access a recording at any time. Just saying...

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