Will the University of California reap the financial rewards of CRISPR's commercial use, likely worth billions of dollars? That's the source of a bitter fight. In June 2012, UC Berkeley's Jennifer Doudna and Emmanuelle Charpentier, now a professor in Germany, showed how bacteria's natural defense system could be turned into a "gene editing" tool to cut DNA strands. Seven months later, Feng Zhang of the Massachsuetts Institute of Technology, along with Harvard's George Church, showed that the tool also works in human cells. UC and Doudna filed for a patent first. But in a shocking turn of events, MIT and Zhang won last month, earning the patent that covers use of CRISPR in every species except bacteria, including humans...
Full story at http://www.mercurynews.com/science/ci_28085750/uc-mit-battle-over-patent-gene-editing-tool
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