
Sunday, March 8, 2015

No Money for UC Facilities in Proposed Bond Measure

Part of Gov. Brown's budgetary program is the idea that construction of new K-14 facilities should not be state matters.  Local districts should finance their own capital programs.  Not surprisingly, local school districts and teachers' unions are not happy with that stance. An initiative has been submitted that would propose to voters a $9 billion school construction bond for K-14. The official sponsor of the initiative comes from a law firm that handles political matters so the proposed bond is not the product of a some lone individual with $200 to spare for the filing fee and who wants some attention. You can find the Legislative Analyst's Office (LAO) description of the bond measure at

You may agree or disagree with Gov. Brown's stance. His argument is basically that the state already has enough debt on its books. However, it is noteworthy that the state at one time not only supported K-14 facility construction but also construction at UC and CSU. Support for UC and CSU construction has largely dried up. If the bond were to be placed on the ballot (an expensive signature-gathering campaign would be required) and be passed by voters, it would create a situation in which the K-14 world (the Prop 98 world) gets capital project support from the state but not the rest of public education. Given the general popularity of education in public opinion polls in California, it is likely that such a bond, if put on the ballot, would pass.

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