
Monday, July 22, 2024

Who has STEM?

We will elsewhere cover the Regents meeting that dealt with high school math requirements for admission to UC. However, that meeting included the chart above that showed the percent of undergraduate majors in STEM (science, technology, engineering, and math) disciplines. Berkeley and Merced are the most STEM-intensive campuses. UCLA is among the campuses with the lowest percentage of STEM majors. The same pattern holds if you just look at undergrads who are Pell grant recipients, i.e., lower-income.

Not saying this is a Good Thing or Bad Thing. And note that there are non-STEM fields such as economics that are math-oriented. But the chart may show results that differ from expectations.

Moreover, the chart shows the importance of math preparation in high school. Many UC students are opting for STEM careers or non-STEM fields that require math. In order for them to have that option, high school math is important.

You can see the chart at around minute 54.

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