
Thursday, February 29, 2024

The Missing Link in Admissions

Given all the noisy politics around what should be taught in K-12 about California's diverse population, or around the use of admissions tests such as the SAT, you might think that these issues are the key to making college more available to disadvantaged students.

However, in California, to apply to UC or CSU, students in high school need to complete the so-called A-G courses. A majority of students do not, either because the courses aren't offered or because they are unaware of the importance of taking the courses. 

EdSource has a chart showing A-G completion rates in 2023:


It appears, therefore, that the key to wider access is to get more high school students interested in taking A-G and being capable of completing A-G when they do. And, of course, A-G have to be offered and promoted by school districts.

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