
Tuesday, January 31, 2023

What a Difference a (Budget) Year Makes

In recent posts, we have focused on the state budget and what it might mean for UC.* The fiscal climate, as set by the governor in his January budget message to the legislature, is cautious. As we have noted, in nominal dollars UC is to get less from the state under that proposal than it got in the current 2022-23 fiscal year. And, of course, inflation makes the real cut even deeper. (Blog readers will know that they should ignore the expressions of gratitude to the governor by the UC prez and the Regents when budget proposals are released.)

Apart from just the numbers, the entire climate surrounding the making of the current budget (fiscal year 2022-23) was very different. The latest edition of California Policy Options (2023) has emerged in print format and will soon be on the web. But here is a link to the chapter on developing and enacting the plentiful current year's budget, a process that occurred with the background of the attempted recall** of the governor:

Budget, What Budget? California State Budgeting for 2022-23 In an Era of Flush Reserves

What a difference a year makes!




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