The notice reproduced below provides some info about the transition at UCLA. A colleague of yours truly has noted that the first step in opening a UCRAYS account is to enter your Social Security number. What could possibly go wrong with that?
If you read the text of the "I agree" step - which of course you won't - you will find in its depths reference to a "third party vendor" that will have access to certain information. And what could possibly go wrong with that? However, yours truly can tell you that his sign in to UCRAYS worked without too much hassle.
The notice (excerpt):
UCOP is pleased to announce the UC Retirement At Your Service (UCRAYS) self-service portal went live today! Please visit the new portal at to register and create your account.
Until all features of UCRAYS are released, active and inactive members will continue to use AYSO to access the estimating tools for retirement and service credit purchase. AYSO will continue to be in operation until all UC locations have transitioned to UCPath...
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