
Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Bee's Hurt Feelings Continue

We noted yesterday that the Sacramento Bee got hold of a bunch of UC-Davis emails related to the Katehi affair.* Basically, the emails show a bunch of underlings trying to clean up the mess. But among the statements found was this rude insult to the Bee:

"We are the laughingstock of the world right now, and we’ve given a pathetic, dying newspaper a day in the sun,” added (Davis communications director Gary) Delsohn, a former Sacramento Bee reporter who also wrote speeches for Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger.

So we now have an editorial that says even if the Regents adopt tighter ethics rules, Katehi has an innate problem:

...Rules aside, Katehi’s trouble with optics is a big part of the pickle her career is now in.**

You can agree with that assessment and still say, about the latest editorial and the previous article on the emails, that there is no NEW news here.

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