
Sunday, September 8, 2024

Upcoming Regents Agenda: Sept. 18-19, 2024

A preliminary agenda for the September meetings of the Regents is now available. In a few places, the various topics have been annotated below.

University of California Regents - Agenda: September 18-19, 2024 - Luskin Conference Center, UCLA


Wednesday, September 18, 2024

8:30 am Board (open session - includes public comment session) 

Public Comment Period (30 minutes)

Remarks of the Chair of the Board

Remarks of the President of the University

Remarks of the Chair of the Academic Senate


Concurrent Meetings:


9:30 am Academic and Student Affairs Committee (open session) 

Agenda – Open Session

Action: Approval of the Minutes of the Meeting of July 17, 2024 and the

Joint Meeting of the Academic and Student Affairs Committee and

the Compliance and Audit Committee of July 17, 2024

A1 Discussion: UC Grad Slam: Making University of California Research Accessible to All

A2 Discussion: Task Force on Instructional Modalities Report

A3 Discussion: Innovation and Entrepreneurship Update


12:30 pm Governance Committee (closed session) 

Agenda – Closed Session

Action: Approval of the Minutes of the Meeting of May 15, 2024

G1(X) Discussion: Appointment of and Compensation for Vice President – UC National Laboratories, Office of the President

G2(X) Discussion: 2024-25 Systemwide Salary Program Increases for Certain Level One Senior Management Group Members

G3(X) Discussion: Market-Based Salary Adjustments for Certain UC Chancellors

G4(X) Discussion: Market-Based Salary Adjustments for Certain Level One Senior Management Group Employees, Office of the President

G5(X) Discussion: Incentive Compensation for Fiscal Year 2023-24 for Chief Investment Officer and Vice President – Investments, Office of the President

G6(X) Discussion: Collective Bargaining Matters

Note: UC's case against UAW 4811 - whether the spring strike violated the no-strike clauses in the various contracts - and the related PERB issues are likely to be discussed here.


Upon end of closed session:

Governance Committee (open session) 

3:00 pm Agenda – Open Session

Action: Approval of the Minutes of the Meeting of July 17, 2024

G1 Action: Approval of Appointment of and Compensation for Vice President – UC National Laboratories, Office of the President as Discussed in Closed Session

G2 Action: Approval of 2024-25 Systemwide Salary Program Increases for Certain Level One Senior Management Group Members as Discussed in Closed Session

G3 Action: Approval of Market-Based Salary Adjustments for Certain Chancellors as Discussed in Closed Session

G4 Action: Approval of Market-Based Salary Adjustments for Certain Level One Senior Management Group Employees, Office of the President as Discussed in Closed Session

G5 Action: Approval of Incentive Compensation for Fiscal Year 2023-24 for Chief Investment Officer and Vice President – Investments, Office of the President as Discussed in Closed Session


Finance and Capital Strategies Committee (closed session) 

Agenda – Closed Session

Action: Approval of the Minutes of the Meeting of July 17, 2024

F1(X) Discussion: Legal Compliance Regarding Cal Softball Field Renovation Project, Berkeley Campus

F2(X) Action: California Institute for Immunology and Immunotherapy at Research Park East, Los Angeles Campus: Business Terms

Note: This item refers to the recent acquisition of the Westside Pavillion by UCLA.

F3(X) Action: UCSF Clinical and Life Sciences Building, San Francisco Campus: Land Acquisition, Budget, Scope, Business Terms of Master Ground Lease, Lease Disposition and Development Agreement, and Space Lease; External Financing; Bond Financing; Gift of Real Property, and Authorized Third Party Indemnification and Ancillary Action:s


Upon end of closed session:

Finance and Capital Strategies Committee (open session) 

Agenda – Open Session

Action: Approval of the Minutes of the Meeting of July 17, 2024

Consent Agenda:

F4A Action: Consent Item: La Jolla Outpatient Pavilion, San Diego Campus: Preliminary Plans Funding

F4B Action: Consent Item: Falling Leaves Foundation Medical Innovation Building, Irvine Campus: Budget Amendment and Interim Financing

F4C Action: Consent Item: Funding Reallocation, UC Davis Health: External Financing Approval, Sacramento Ambulatory Surgery Center and Folsom Medical Office Building

F5 Action: UCSF Clinical and Life Sciences Building, San Francisco Campus: Amendment Number 12 to the UC San Francisco 2014 Long Range Development Plan and Design Following Adoption of Findings Pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act

F6 Action: Parnassus Central Campus Site Improvements, San Francisco Campus: Budget, Scope, External Financing, and Design Following Adoption of Findings Pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act

F7 Action: Cal Softball Field Renovation, Berkeley Campus: Amendment of Budget, External Financing, Scope, and Design Following Certification of an Environmental Impact Report Pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act

F8 Discussion: Preliminary Discussion: of the University’s 2025-26 Operating Budget


Thursday, September 19, 2024

8:30 am Board (open session - includes public comment session) 

Public Comment Period (30 minutes)

Approval of the Minutes of the Meetings of July 17 and 18, 2024

Remarks from Student Associations


9:20 am Compliance and Audit Committee (open session) 

Agenda – Open Session

Action: Approval of the Minutes of the Meeting of July 17 and the Joint Meeting of the Academic and Student Affairs Committee and the Compliance and Audit Committee of July 17, 2024

C1 Action: University of California Compliance with State Assembly Bill 481 

Note: AB 481 of 2021 requires disclosure by police agencies including UCPD of acquisition of military equipment.


Upon end of open session:

10:15 am Compliance and Audit Committee (closed session) 

Action: Approval of the Minutes of the Meeting of July 17, 2024

C2(X) Action: Recommended Settlements for Board Action:

Various settlements are listed

C3(X) Discussion: Appellate, Trial Court Developments and Updates

Various cases at different stages are listed. Included are:

THE LOUIS D. BRANDEIS CENTER, INC., et al. v. REGENTS, et al. – Motion to Dismiss Pending – Equal Protection – Berkeley (antisemitism)

PROTEST-RELATED CASES – Various Activity – Multiple Campuses

TUITION AND FEES REFUND CLASS ACTIONS – Petition for Review Filed – Claims Seeking Refunds Based on COVID-Related Actions – Systemwide

KLEIN v. REGENTS – Trial Commencing – Retaliation/False Light – Los Angeles

Note: For information on Klein v. Regents - a case that indirectly stemmed from the George Floyd era - see A decision against the Regents, or even an out-of-court settlement, is likely to attract significant attention.

C4(X) Information Settlements and Separation Agreements under Delegated Authority Reported from June 1, 2024 to July 31, 2024


Board (closed session) 

Agenda – Closed Session

Action: Approval of the Minutes of the Meetings of June 4, June 12, and July 18, 2024

Committee Reports Including Approval of Recommendations from Committees:

-Compliance and Audit Committee

-Finance and Capital Strategies Committee

-Governance Committee


Upon end of closed session:

Board (open session) 

Agenda – Open Session

Committee Reports Including Approvals of Recommendations from Committees:

-Academic and Student Affairs Committee

-Compliance and Audit Committee

-Finance and Capital Strategies Committee

-Governance Committee

-Health Services Committee (meeting of August 14, 2024)


10:45 pm Investments Committee (open session) 

Agenda – Open Session

Action: Approval of the Minutes of the Meeting of July 17, 2024

I1 Discussion: Review of Fiscal Year 2023–24 Performance for UC Retirement, Endowment and Working Capital Assets


12:15 pm Board (open session) 

Agenda – Open Session

B1 Discussion: State of Staff at the University of California

B2 Discussion: UC Olympians at the Paris Games: Insights and Reflections

Officers’ and President’s Reports:

-Report of Interim, Concurrence, and Committee Action:s

-Report of Materials Mailed Between Meetings


1:30 pm Special Committee on Athletics (open session) 

Agenda – Open Session

Action: Approval of the Minutes of the Meeting of May 14, 2024

S1 Discussion: Student-Athlete Perspectives: UC Merced

S2 Discussion: Campus Athletics Overview: UC Berkeley and UC Riverside

Note: It will be interesting to see if the fiscal issues surrounding Berkeley athletics will be discussed.


Upon end of open session:

Agenda – Closed Session

Special Committee on Athletics (closed session) 

S3(X) Discussion: Student-Athlete Anti-Trust Litigation

Note: As we have noted in numerous postings, the issue of pay for athletes is a Big Deal.



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