
Saturday, May 14, 2022

Where the Money for UCLA Comes From

UCLA is making a presentation at the upcoming Regents meeting next week.* The chart above from the written materials provides a breakdown of the total UCLA budget in 2019-20 (last pre-pandemic year) when the total budget summed to $9.2 billion (out of the total UC budget of $40.1 billion). Although the legislature tends to think of UCLA (and the rest of UC) as an undergraduate processing machine, the pie chart above makes clear how large the medical enterprise looms in UCLA activities. The state's direct contribution is only 6% of the total. Put another way, for every $6 the state puts in, $100 of economic activity occurs.

NRST = non-resident student tuition

SSF = likely refers to summer (?) [no glossary provided]**

PDST = professional degree student tuition (?) [my guess - no glossary provided]**

SSGPDP = self-supporting graduate professional degree program



**Advice to whoever wrote the report: A glossary is needed. (And maybe cut back on acronyms.)

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