
Sunday, November 15, 2020

Admissions Scandal Returns to Regents

In these times, it's hard to keep track of pre-pandemic and pre-election issues. But you may recall the admissions scandal that involved such things as bribes to athletic officials which affected various universities including UC. 

One byproduct of that scandal was legislative demands for an investigation by the state auditor of admissions practices at UC. Not surprisingly, the auditor found various practices to be loose and vague and without sufficient safeguards and checks.

The result was a report that will be discussed by the Regents this coming Wednesday.* A summary of the findings and recommendations of the auditor has been provided to the Regents and to the Compliance and Audit Committee and can be seen below. In general, the recommendations involve clearer statements of criteria and rearrangement of the process so that any one person cannot operate with autonomy. You can read the summary below. Click on the images to clarify.

Source: The overall Compliance and Audit session agenda can be found at:

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