
Monday, June 1, 2015

Three Coins in the Fountainhead?

The University of Kentucky's Gatton College of Business and Economics has wrapped up a 10-year, $2.5 million donation from BB&T that will result in a new program on capitalism and funding toward the college's $65 million renovation. But Gatton officials stepped back from the more controversial aspects of the original 2004 agreement, including a requirement for an Ayn Rand reading room, named for the novelist and free market philosopher. "I thought it (the original agreement) was slanted a bit too much toward Ayn Rand," said Gatton Dean David Blackwell, who negotiated a new deal with BB&T.  "I'm a fan, but there are lots of other philosophers to study for the moral foundations of capitalism. She wasn't even a very good philosopher."...

Full story at 

Of course, we know what Ayn would do:

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