On an ocean-facing hillside with stunning views of Monterey Bay, Douglas Shaw circulates among thousands of strawberry plants he has helped to breed and grow. But the man who is considered California's most esteemed strawberry expert declines to choose his all-time favorite.
The UC Davis plant sciences professor is a bit like a father unwilling to favor one child above his others — patented strawberry varieties with names such as Albion, Benicia, Portola, Monterey and San Andreas. He's also an unsentimental scientist with an eye toward hardier and tastier descendants...

The whole thing was set into motion when the 60-year-old Shaw, after nearly three decades at the university, said he and his research partner, UC breeding expert Kirk Larson, planned to leave UC and start a private company for strawberry crop development. Asserting that UC was no longer interested in their work, he also said they wanted to take a share of a valuable UC inventory of strawberry specimens dating back to the 1930s...
For many years, the commission helped fund the UC research to the
tune of $350,000 annually. In a related deal, strawberry nurseries
throughout the state got discounts on the royalties they paid to grow
and sell the UC varieties. The lawsuit alleges that the end of both
arrangements two years ago was a breach of contract. The suit also
claims the university is not properly safeguarding the so-called
germplasm, a living museum of 1,600 strawberry types sustained over
decades of careful reproduction, plantings and refrigeration at UC's
farm properties in Davis, Watsonville and Irvine. UC is ceding control to Shaw and Larson "in a classic case of the fox guarding the henhouse," the lawsuit says...

Accusing the commission of spreading alarmist and false information, the university says its staff has cultivated and will protect extra copies of all strawberry specimens in the inventory. "This breeding program is really important to the university, this state and worldwide," said Jacob Appelsmith, UC Davis' chief counsel. [Blog editor's note: Maybe someone with a different name would have been better!] "For whatever reasons, there has been some anxiety given that these breeders are retiring. But we are doing everything we can to expand and improve it." ...
Full story at http://www.latimes.com/local/great-reads/la-me-c1-strawberries-20140527-story.html
OK. Can someone help us out with this story?
Will the litigation go on forever?
YouTube - The Beatles - Strawberry Fields... by heatrash
We thank Hieronymus Bosch for his illustrations.
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