
Thursday, January 2, 2014

Upcoming Events in January

Under the state constitution, Governor Brown will release his budget proposal for 2014-15 at the end of next week.  In the past, bits and pieces were often leaked to the news media ahead of the formal announcement.  So far, that hasn't happened - which might just mean that with the current budgetary calm, there is nothing shocking to leak, including about the UC budget.  There will also be a "state of the state" address to the legislature by the governor which will touch on whatever the governor has in mind - who knows? - in this election year.

The UC Regents will be meeting Jan. 21-23.  However, the agenda items are not yet posted and probably won't be posted until a week or so before the meeting.

As we have noted in earlier posts, Chancellor Block will be under pressure to say something about the Israel boycott undertaken by a group called the American Studies Assn.  Other UC chancellors and the UC prez have come out against the boycott as have heads of other universities.  See The latest news on all of that - as of today - is at  One can imagine the issue coming up at the Regents since the student-regent-elect has pushed for Israel divestment (not the same thing as an academic boycott).

That's the outlook but you never know what can happen:

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