Jan.3, 2011,
Three dozen of the
» The state is facing a $28 billion budget deficit.
» Student tuition at UC increased 32 percent last fall and will jump an additional 8 percent next fall because of sagging state support.
» The UC pension fund already is underfunded by $21.6 billion.
» Bending to this threat would add $5.5 million annually to the pension liability, plus an estimated $51million to make the change retroactive to 2007.
"Employees made career decisions in good faith based on the expectation that the regents' policy would be implemented," the executives wrote in a letter to the UC Board of Regents.
The flip side of that, of course, is that the regents made a good faith deal back then, but since then things have changed dramatically. Just ask any family struggling to finance a UC education for their child…
"Outrageous" is the most polite thing that can be said about it.
Full article at http://www.recordnet.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20110103/A_OPINION01/101030303/-1/A_OPINION
UPDATE: The Daily Bruin version of the story is at http://www.dailybruin.com/index.php/article/2010/12/uc_executives_threaten_to_sue_if_university_does_not_increase_retirement_benefits
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