
Sunday, October 22, 2023

Watch the Regents Special Committee on Athletics of Oct. 11, 2023

We are catching up with the Regents. The Special Committee on Athletics met off-cycle for its first meeting on October 11th. Committee Chair Hernandez said at the end that future meetings of the committee would be at regular Regents meetings and that members should attend in person. (One member attended this meeting remotely.)

Basically, this was a formative meeting. It was suggested that the word "Student" be added to the committee name, i.e., Special Committee on Student Athletics. There were also suggests that there should be advisors such as a student-athlete, a campus athletic director, and maybe someone with expertise in mental health.

There was then a presentation on the broad issue of delegations of authority by the Regents to campuses. Even with such delegations, there are specified limits related to pay of athletic directors and coaches. (Athletic directors report directly to chancellors.) By regental policy, student-athletes get priority in course registration. Their scholarships cannot be revoked in cases of injury.

Although the impetus for the committee's creation was the move of UCLA from the Big Ten and the effects that might have on Berkeley, there were scheduled presentations by two campuses that have lower profiles in athletics: Irvine and Davis.

Some concern was expressed that policies and federal and state legislation tends to be driven by developments at high profile schools, and then costs and requirements are imposed on universities with lower profiles.

Nothing came up that was controversial although - as noted - the committee was established as the result of a controversy.


As always, we preserve recordings of Regents meetings since the Regents currently have no policy regarding retention. You can see this committee's meeting at:

The general page for this meeting (which also contains Health Services, previously reviewed) is:

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