
Saturday, September 29, 2018

Listen to the Morning Regents Meeting of Sept. 26, 2018

We are now beginning to catch up with the past week's Regents meeting (although we already posted on the Tuesday investments segment). You will find audio links below to the full board meeting of Sept. 26, 2018 and to the Compliance and Audit and the Public Engagement and Development committees.

Much of the full board meeting was devoted to public comments. That segment ended in a demonstration which led to a clearing of the room. It was unclear who the demonstrators were from the recording. The comments covered Native American artifacts in possession of UC (which were dealt with at a later session), demands for Academic Senate membership of non-ladder faculty, support for undocumented students, a demand that the UC-Merced region should have a Regent, welfare of students with children, clean energy, Teamster issues related to emergency dispatchers, the UC response to the U.S. Supreme Court Janus decision, student housing and UCLA and UC-Santa Cruz, nurses' issues, UPTE issues, complaints about outsourcing, and a request to include Arab-background as an ethnic category in UC reports. The Faculty Rep to the Regents referred to admissions from community colleges, standardized testing for admissions (SAT, etc.), and faculty pay and benefits.

The Compliance and Audit Committee continued discussion of the UCOP state audit and the processing of sexual harassment claims including the involvement of the Academic Senate. It was noted that cases involving the Senate are delayed by the summer break and something needed to be done about those delays.

The Public Engagement Committee primarily dealt with UC lobbying in Sacramento and a "market research" student aimed to assessing UC's image. Not surprisingly, the public is concerned about affordability and politicos in Sacramento are concerned about money/budget issues.

The full board can be heard at:

or go direct to the underlying web addresses:

Full Board

Compliance and Audit

Public Engagement and Development

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