
Friday, January 22, 2016

Clarity would be appreciated

Inside Higher Ed has a story today about one UC-related survey of students replacing another. 

The University of California system has redesigned its undergraduate experience survey, positioning the questionnaire as an alternative to the National Survey of Student Engagement. This spring, the Student Experience in the Research University survey, as the California survey is called, will be administered to the nine UC campuses that offer undergraduate programs, 14 other members of the Association of American Universities and 11 international institutions in Europe and Asia.
The survey focuses on five facets of undergraduate education: social skills development, personal development, academic skills development, civic engagement, and economic opportunity and security. Steven Brint, vice provost of undergraduate education at the University of California at Riverside and co-chair of the committee that redesigned the survey, said the SERU survey is "a better fit" for public research universities than the NSSE survey...
Unfortunately, although you can poke around at the links in the story, no copy of the survey appears. Is it another campus climate survey but just for students? What are the costs entailed? Such things would be nice to know. 
Mysteries are fine but...

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