
Thursday, July 16, 2015

Deferred - with a little help from the LA Times' editorial board

In a prior post, we noted how the issue of a Regental definition of anti-Semitism, supposedly on the agenda for the upcoming July meeting, got deferred until September.* Now the Regents and UCOP seem to have obtained a little help from the LA Times editorial board.** It's hard to imagine the appearance of the editorial now, just before the July meeting, is simply a coincidence. Why should the Times editorialize just before the July meeting about a topic not on the agenda until September? What the editorial does is provide a rationale for more study before any official proposal.

The issue seems to be that UC prez Napolitano said in an NPR interview that she favored using the "State Department" definition of anti-Semitism and she now wants to walk the comment back, probably due to concerns subsequently raised about academic freedom, etc. Meanwhile, the California state assembly adopted a different definition that refers to the State Department definition, but doesn't adopt it.

One of the Regents Gov. Brown's recently appointed (former assembly speaker John Pérez) said he approved of the assembly version. The Times doesn't refer to the assembly resolution. But it explicitly doesn't support the State Department version and loosely calls for a policy that isn't "overly broad." One can infer, therefore, that there are still unresolved deliberations (negotiations?) going on behind the scene at the Regents to come up with something that is not "overly broad."
UPDATE: The assembly resolution was also enacted today by the state senate: and

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