
Saturday, June 15, 2024

What's Your Problem?

The latest PPIC poll is out. It asks about state "problems" as seen by Californians. Thirty-six percent reference general economic issues (cost of living, inflation, etc.) as a top problem; 19% reference housing (costs, availability), 13% reference homelessness, 9% reference crime and drugs, and 5% grumble about "government" in general. If you thought surely there would be a lot of attention paid to campus unrest or even plain old college affordability, you would be mistaken. Those issues don't show up as national problems, either.

You might expect that the state budget would be seen as a big problem when respondents were explicitly asked about it. There has been an uptick in concern about the budget as the chart below shows. Forty-four see it as a big problem. But it might be noted that level is comparable to the response before the Great Recession, i.e., before the budget really became a big problem.

It's good to keep in mind that the issues of major concern to UC aren't necessarily top issues for most folks.

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