
Tuesday, June 4, 2024

How much does it cost?

The Daily Bruin inquired about the cost of the police intervention in the encampments episodes. The article found bits and pieces of the answer but it never gets to totals nor to who actually pays. You can find the bits and pieces at:

It's not clear what inspired this inquiry. As we have noted with regard to the current strike, there is a question of legality and the no-strike clauses up before PERB with potentially no quick answer. If the strike were to be deemed illegal at some point, UC could conceivably seek financial damages for breach of the labor-management agreements. Whether that would actually happen is unknown. Not everything that could happen does happen. Did someone suggest to the Bruin that an inquiry be made? Maybe someone in UC labor relations?

The union seems largely trying to keep the rhetoric and chanting around the strike to traditional union themes. As we noted in a prior posting and video with regard to the first day of the strike, however, there were deviations to references to the Israel-Gaza War that could be used by UC to support the view that the strike is political and violates the no-strike clauses in the the various contracts.* Much the same could be found on social media concerningthe second day of the strike:

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