
Monday, June 24, 2024

Police Remove UC-Santa Barbara Encampment

Statement from UC-Santa Barbara:

On Sunday morning, following repeated messages by the University’s administration that the encampment was illegal and a violation of campus policies, police cleared the area and the campus removed a number of tents that had remained.

Several individuals who remained at the site on Sunday morning and were given multiple warnings to leave the area before and during the clearing of the tents. 

While most of the individuals complied with the warnings, five individuals declined to disperse and were taken into police custody. Once the tents were removed, the University resumed normal operations. 

We do not have any additional information to share at this time.

UC Santa Barbara

Source: KEYT,


From the LA Times:

...“Since May, the number of tents, banners, and signs increased. The walls of the library and bathrooms near the tents were defaced by vandalism,” [Chancellor Henry] Yang said. “Our appeals to respect the rights of the broader community and to remove signs that many in our community reported as offensive and threatening were ignored.

“While we respected the right to protest peacefully, the encampment became increasingly disruptive to students who were trying to pursue their educational goals, as well as faculty and staff who support the academic mission of the University,” he continued. “Our principles of community have been strained and we need to work together to restore them in a safe and tolerant environment that protects freedom of expression and supports our common academic mission.” ...

Full story at

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