
Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Cash for Quarter 1 of the Fiscal Year

The state controller reports cash receipts ran over the estimate made back when the budget was being cooked to the tune of $4.1 billion or almost 11% above the projection. Much came from corporate and personal income tax receipts. And the state is sitting on unused borrowable resouces of $97 billion which is a lot of cash. 

That's the good news. The bad news, if it is that, is that the state seems to be giving less cash to UC than anticipated. The anticipated payment to UC for the first quarter of the fiscal year was projected to be about $1.2 billion. The state has in fact distributed $702 million UC. Maybe some of the gap is the $25 million withheld by the legislature pending a plan by UC to deal with protests. Presumably, however, that withholding would have been incorporated into the projection and, in any case, it doesn't come close to explaining the gap. Given the amount of cash the state has, it seems unlikely to be the result of illiquidity.

That's all I know.

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