
Saturday, July 20, 2024

Watch the July 16, 2024 Regents Health Services Committee

The Regents began their July 16-18 meetings at UC-San Francisco with a session of the Health Services Committee.

During public comments, there was support for collegiate recovery programs involving substance abuse, concern about antisemitism, and support for item J2 (limits on department political statements). There was also a pitch for creating a new UC campus in Redding.

After a closed session, the committee resumed in open session to approve an agreement with the state attorney general regarding the takeover by UC-San Francisco of St. Mary's and St. Francis hospitals. Various guarantees by UC have been made concerning investment in these facilities, continued charitable care, and caps on rate increases.

The committee also approved a change in executive pay formulas for health CEOs that put more weight on local goals relative to UC-wide goals: 70-30 vs. 50-50.

As always, we preserve videos of Regents meetings since the Regents have no policy regarding retention duration. You can see the two open sessions at the links below:

Public Comments are at

Action items are at

The general website for this meeting is at:

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