
Thursday, May 16, 2024

Watch the Morning Regents Meetings of May 15, 2024

The morning Regents' session of May 15 began with public comments, much of which called for divestment, amnesty for protesters, and related demands. There was also opposition to the Hawaiian telescope project, TMT. There were a couple of complaints about deficiencies in mentoring, but it was unclear from the comments exactly what the mentoring problem was. (There was a session in the afternoon that dealt with this topic.) Finally, there was a call for funding a substance abuse project. 

Regent Leib's term as chair is ending and he expressed thank-yous to various people. President Drake noted a study was being undertaken of recent events at UCLA regarding the removal of the encampment. Faculty rep Steintrager talked about the concepts of safety, academic freedom, and the need for trust to have shared governance. He somehow related these concepts to a performance art piece that consisted of being locked in a locker for five days. Yours truly didn't quite see the connection, but he may be insufficiently erudite. Then again, it didn't seem as though the Regents understood it, either. 

Chancellor Muñoz of Merced made a presentation concerning the development of his campus. Finally, the Governance Committee dealt with an executive appointment and pay for a PR position.

As always, we preserve Regents meetings indefinitely because the Regents have no policy in place concerning preservation.

The general website for the May 15th morning session can be found at:

There is a link to the Board and Compliance and Audit meetings at:

The short meeting of Governance is at:

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