
Saturday, January 27, 2024

Grateful - Part 2

As we predicted earlier,* UC president Drake expressed gratitude for the governor's assurance that the "deferred" piece of the budget UC was supposed to get in 2024-25 would be paid the following year, assuming the legislature enacts his January budget plan. (We pointed out that what the legislature enacts the year after next is up to the legislature then; there is no guarantee.) 

Beyond that issue is the fact that the January plan, according the Legislative Analyst's Office, leaves uncertain where a missing $8 billion that must be paid to K-14 under Prop 98 will come from. From EdSource:

...School districts have already spent funding from 2022–23, including on staff pay raises that they negotiated with good faith estimates. Newsom and the Legislature could try to deduct that overpayment from the current and 2024-25 budgets, but such a move “would be devastating for students and staff,” Patti Herrera, vice president of the school consulting firm California School Services, told a workshop last week with more than 1,000 school district administrators in Sacramento.

As an alternative, Newsom proposes to find reductions from the non-Proposition 98 side of the general fund, which covers higher education, child care and all other non-education expenses, from prisons to climate change programs.

“We are super grateful there will be no attempts to claw back” the money given to school districts in a past year’s budget, Herrera said... 

Full story at



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