
Tuesday, March 19, 2024

Changing Titles - Part 2 (update)

Update: The text of J1 has now been posted.* Some points after a quick reading: It is a long (4 page), meandering document. It refers only to UC websites, distinguishes between home pages (what were previously termed landing pages), and sets out guidelines for procedures for making department political statements on other-than-home pages. (It does not deal with statements that departments might make on other-than-UC platforms, e.g., tweets.) It lets departments come up with their own procedures for voting (by secret ballot) on statements, subject to various guidelines. It lets departments decide who composes the department. (There is no language that says whether non-ladder faculty, TAs, RAs, grad students, and undergraduates are, or are not, "in" the department; apparently departments decide who is in them.) It does not deal with implicit pressure for those who are not senior ladder faculty to go along with an official viewpoint. It explicitly forbids endorsements of candidates or ballot propositions. Finally, it does not deal with enforcement of the various rules and protections.

* There is an introduction to the text of J1 at

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