
Wednesday, February 1, 2023

The LAO on Higher Ed

The Legislative Analyst's Office (LAO) is out with a publication on higher education (UC, CSU, community colleges) in the governor's January budget proposal. Some points:

1) It tends to treat UC and CSU together, despite the unique constitutional position of UC and the Regents.

2) It follows LAO practice of suggesting a kind of micromanagement of UC by the legislature. (Keep in mind that the L in LAO stands for Legislative and the LAO is a creature of the legislature.) The various goals for UC in the governor's plan are apparently not detailed enough for the LAO.

3) It focuses on the "core" funding in the governor's proposal (which rises under the "compact") and not so much on total funding (which declines in nominal - and especially, real - terms. 

With these three points in mind, you can read the entire document at:

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