
Friday, March 10, 2023

Rumor Mill: Finding Fault With the RASC

As we have noted in the past, there have been problems with the UC Retirement Administration Service Center (RASC) for some time.* New retirees and spouses of deceased UC employees and retirees have trouble reaching the RASC, getting service from the RASC, etc. Delays in receipt of benefits, cutoffs of health insurance, and so on, have been reported. And various efforts have been made to fix the problem - which seems ultimately to stem from a decision to centralize case processing (taking it away from the campuses) and link it to a balky computer system.

A rumor has reached yours truly that the RASC topic was going to be discussed at the upcoming March meetings of the Regents, but has been delayed until the May meetings. How did it get on the agenda? Maybe some regent received a lot of complaints. It's not known. (It's very unlikely that UCOP would put it on the agenda since UCOP is in charge of the RASC.) Why was the topic delayed until May? Also, not known. How reliable is this rumor? Not known either.

If the topic does come before the Regents, a modest suggestion from yours truly would be for someone to take a look at case processing for the much larger CalPERS and CalSTRS systems. If they can do it without major problems, UC should be able to do it.

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