
Thursday, September 5, 2024

What will the fall rules be? - Part 2 (Now we know)

A month ago, we speculated on what new rules regarding protests would be implemented by UCLA in the fall.* Now we have the rules. 

UCLA has issued a series of rules related to protests in four documents (links below). From the Bruin: UCLA announced new regulations governing campus protests Wednesday. Administrative Vice Chancellor Michael Beck and Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs Monroe Gorden Jr. announced new Time, Place and Manner regulations in a BruinPost announcement. Although the new policies are effective immediately on an interim basis, they will be open for public comment until Nov. 4. The policies include a requirement for people on campus to identify themselves when asked to do so by university officials, something introduced across the UC.

The new regulations also include a new definition of publicly accessible spaces, limiting areas for public expression activities – including leafleting, picketing, speeches, petition circulation and noncommercial literature distribution – to areas around Bruinwalk and outside Murphy Hall. Separate rules exist for events that receive administration approval 10 days in advance. Public expression activity organizers will also be required to obtain permission to demonstrate in Bruin Plaza because of potential conflicts with organized club activities. The plaza, an approved space, was the site of several rallies during the United Auto Workers Local 4811 strike in the spring. Dickson Plaza, where protesters established the first Palestine solidarity encampment at UCLA, is not included in the list of areas where public expression will be permitted. Kerckhoff Patio and Dodd Hall – where protesters also attempted to encamp – are also not approved spaces for public expression.

The “areas for public expression” will permit any member of the campus or outside community to protest without needing permission, provided they do so between 6 a.m. and midnight and do not otherwise disrupt campus activities.

Several regulations appear to be aimed at preventing encampments, which UC President Michael Drake banned in an email to the UC community August 19.

The rules include a ban on the use of tents and camping equipment, new restrictions limiting the distribution of food and the closure of campus walkways between midnight at 6 a.m. Protesters are not permitted to use graffiti or chalk on university property, which pro-Palestine protesters had done in spring 2024...

Full story at


General Use of UCLA Property:


Public Expression Activities:


Organized Events:


Major Events:


Although these rules are now in effect, public comments about them can be made until November 4:


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