
Friday, August 16, 2024

The Doctors Are In

There seems to be a pattern forming. Whenever a university needs a new leader after a period of campus unrest, whatever board makes such selections picks an MD:

Harvard brought in Dr. Garber.

The U of Pennsylvania brought in Dr. Jameson.

UCLA is bringing in Dr. Frenk.

Cornell deviated a bit and brought in a veterinarian, Dr. Kotlikoff.

And now Columbia is bringing in Dr. Armstrong.


From the NY TimesDr. [Katrina A.] Armstrong... was abruptly appointed as Columbia University’s interim president on Wednesday... By turning to Dr. Armstrong, Columbia’s executive vice president for health and biomedical sciences since 2022, the university is getting an insider and a president who has publicly adopted a careful, cautious line since Hamas’s attack on Israel last October...

Full story at

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