
Thursday, August 1, 2024

Getting In

UCOP has released data on new admissions for fall 2024. Note that an applicant who is admitted may or may not accept and appear in the fall. That is, actual enrollment may differ from admissions.

...Overall, the University admitted a record 166,706 students (137,200 first-year and 29,506 transfer students). This included 93,920 first-year admission offers to California students, up 4.3 percent (3,867) from last year. This represents an all-time high for the number of California first-years admitted in a single year and is up more than 31,400 over 2014.

The admission rate for first-year California residents increased from 68 percent last year to 70 percent this year. UC is poised to enroll more California undergraduates than ever, building on systemwide progress toward the shared enrollment goals outlined in the budget compact with the state...


Below are two of several tables that accompany the release above:

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