
Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Dropping Starbucks

Anderson Café
From the Bruin: ...ASUCLA cafes are transitioning away from the sale of Starbucks-branded drinks, according to a statement from an ASUCLA spokesperson. Once this transition is complete, no ASUCLA-run coffee shops will serve Starbucks products...

Anderson Café, which has been serving Starbucks products since 2019, and ScrubJay Café, which has served Starbucks products since its opening in 2023, had been the only ASUCLA cafes serving Starbucks coffee...

ASUCLA’s contracts with Starbucks have recently come under scrutiny, with the Undergraduate Students Association Council – which is part of ASUCLA – passing a resolution in November calling on the ASUCLA Board of Directors to cut all contracts with Starbucks, citing allegations of anti-labor activity. The resolution stated that ASUCLA entered into a contract with Starbucks in 2019 when Anderson Café began serving Starbucks-branded products, and it included a statement of solidarity with Starbucks workers leading unionization efforts.

However, a spokesperson for ASUCLA said the organization did not have a contract with Starbucks, nor did it operate a licensed Starbucks franchise on campus. In a statement on behalf of USAC, President Adam Tfayli said that while “there may have been some mix up with regard to the official language that was used,” the council is happy that action had been taken following the December resolution...

Students Against Starbucks at UCLA, an organization that says it aims to defend the rights of Starbucks workers, has demanded since at least December that ASUCLA transition away from the sale of Starbucks products at its locations...


Note: In a prior posting on this issue, we noted that Café Med on the south end of campus in the med school - and which is not run by ASUCLA - offers Starbucks coffee.* That still seems to be the case. See below from its menu:


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