
Monday, August 5, 2024


The Clery Act is a complicated federal law requiring higher ed institutions including UC to report campus crimes. From time to time, for example, the UCLA police department sends out Clery notices when crimes occur in and around campus.

California's State Auditor recently selected six higher ed institutions - public and private - and audited their compliance with Clery. UC was represented by UC-Santa Cruz. As the image above we have reproduced from the report shows, there was substantial underreporting of crime activity.

The report notes that in UC's case, the Regents have yet to adopt required state standards for reporting, apart from the Clery requirements:

...State law requires certain institutions in California to implement campus safety policies and protocols in addition to the federal requirements. State la
w identifies those institutions it requires to comply with each separate provision. ...Although many of these provisions appear to require the University of California (UC) to comply with the requirements, a separate provision in state law exempts UC’s institutions from these requirements unless the Board of Regents of the University of California (Regents) adopts a resolution making each requirement applicable to its institutions. According to UC’s legal counsel, the Regents have not yet adopted such a resolution

UC-Santa Cruz responded to the Auditor's report saying it would implement the various recommendations:

...The University of California, Santa Cruz (UCSC) would like to thank the audit team and the Auditor of the State of California for their work and engagement throughout the process of conducting this audit. We are always working to improve safety in our community and appreciate the opportunity to review our policies and processes and implement positive change. UCSC takes compliance responsibilities seriously and agrees with each of the recommendations outlined in the draft audit report...

You can find the report including the Santa Cruz response at:

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