
Thursday, July 25, 2024

You CAN get there...

In his final quarterly newsletter, Chancellor Block deals with various issues including the $80 million purchase of the campus of the defunct Marymount California University in Palos Verdes:

...The new UCLA South Bay campus will advance sustainability, climate action and environmental justice. Formerly associated with Marymount California University, the 24.5-acre main campus in Rancho Palos Verdes and an 11-acre residential campus in nearby San Pedro, make up the largest land acquisition in UCLA’s history. 

UCLA South Bay promises to be a nexus of instruction, research, scholarship, civic engagement and community engagement, with a vibrant student presence. While our deans and faculty are developing curricula for this new location, it is off to a great start, with teaching, learning and connecting already underway. UCLA Extension began teaching classes there this month. UCLA South Bay has hosted our Student Leadership Academies, the Career Readiness Bootcamp for the Career Center, conferences, meetings and retreats for departments from UCLA and outside groups. The space is helping us cultivate key partnerships with civic leaders at the local, regional and state level as well...


Yours truly wondered whether if he were standing in the middle of UCLA and wanted to get to "UCLA South Bay," how he would do it. So he consulted Google maps for directions:

Apart from that, no problem!

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