
Monday, July 22, 2024

Watch the July 18th Meeting of the Regents

We are jumping ahead in our coverage of last week's Regents meeting here to the final meeting of Thursday, July 18th. (We have previously covered July 16th and the morning of July 17th.)

Public comments began with support for UC-San Diego's removal of an encampment and concerns about antisemitism, but much of the other comments favored divestment, complaints about use of police on campus, and opposition to J2 (limits on department political statements on UC websites). Although J2 was technically up before the whole board, the decision to support J2 was basically undertaken the day before in committee. Other comments dealt with UC jobs for undocumented students and People's Park.

Much of the formal business undertaken in open session dealt with approval of committee reports (including the above-mentioned J2 decision). Note was taken of the retirement of UCLA chancellor Block who was in attendance. The undergrad student rep spoke about need for more mental health services and consultation with students which she tied to problems at encampments. The grad student rep complained about militarization of campuses. The BOARS report on math requirements for UC admissions had been a discussion item, not an action item, the day before, so it was reported on, but no action was required.

As always, we preserve recordings of Regents meetings since the Regents have no policy on duration of retention. The link to this sessions is:

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